New session page
On this page, you can create a new session
This is the place where you have to type the title of the session you're creating
Allow external invitations
If you enable this option, this will enable the "invite team mate" option for the users once the session will be created, enabling them to look for teammates according to the skills they need
University, teacher, session manager
Here, you'll have to set the universities for which the session is created, aswell as saying who will manage the session, being able to modify it completely and the teacher, in charge of chosing the right project for students
Prerequisite courses
Here you can set the courses that will be needed in order to participate in this session
Here, you can set the different dates on which you want specific things to happen, such as the opening and closure of the session
Available places
Here, you can choose how many users will be able to be in the session, how many per group and how many groups